Darisami Foundation's mission is to provide disadvantaged communities in Africa, the Caribbean and America with access to quality, holistic healthcare and education.

Eradication of Blindness: Sub-Saharan African and the Caribbean
Darisami supports the mission of the VISION 2020 Global Initiative (launched by the World Health Organization) that aims to eliminate the main causes of all preventable and treatable blindness as a public health issue by the year 2020. Darisami Foundation has developed partnerships to provide cataract surgeries and ocular medications worth over $600,000 over the last four years, at no cost to underserved patients. Darisami actively sponsors 'surgical eye expeditions' in Sub-Sahara Africa and the Caribbean which have been responsible for over 150 cataract surgeries prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Specialty Medical Facilities: Caribbean
The Foundation's latest initiative is to work with medical professionals in the Caribbean, the US and potentially the UK to develop a sustainable, low-cost model that allow for access to and continuity of specialist care that incorporates physical infrastructure and telemedicine. Subject to the outcomes of the needs assessment, the initial specialties being considered include ophthalmology, cardiology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, nephrology and endocrinology.

Education Initiatives: Africa and the USA
Darisami has historically and continues to support educational initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa and the US. The model involves a combination of funding educational institutions or charitable organizations that have an education focus and providing bursaries directly to students.
Partnering with Mounthaven Christian Academy, Darisami Foundation has supported Baltimore County Public School programs during the pandemic to reduce the achievement gap.
Darisami Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonstock corporation formed under the laws of the State of Maryland (USA).